I think its Thursday! I'm in the Hospital still!

on 1/21/15 10:45 pm - Bradenton, FL

I'm not a happy camper this morning! They don't listen! I told the nurse practitioner I was a gastric bypass person! I can't have carbs! They bring me the wrong food! I was crazy last night and this morning!!!! 

I can't do eggs that well! They make me sick! They brought me a banana muffin! No go!

I sent it back!


Can I say I hate the medical community!

I hope maybe they will send me home today!

What's going in in your world? Talk in I'll check back layer!


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Connie D.
on 1/22/15 1:00 am

Good morning Carla and everyone....

Carla...good grief....don't they know what carbs are??? I hope you managed to get something to eat. I always keep a couple protein bars in my purse just for situations like that.

Our hospital is very much into bariatric eating. They have a special menu. When you are admitted to the hospital a nutritionist comes to your room and makes a menu for you. They are really good about making sure you get food you want. 

I hope your day gets better. You sound so miserable. 

As for me....I am finally up for the day. I had an off and on night of sleep. I do feel better today. 

I need to go grocery shopping at some point today. I don't need much so it shouldn't take long. I could do a load of laundry. I think I will wait until Monday there isn't much there.

Wishing everyone a good day!!

I pray all is going well for Butch and Vickie. I know they get the results from the PET scan today. Sending love and prayers to them.

Prayers for our precious OFF Family and their families.

Loads of love and bunches of hugs to all....connie d


on 1/22/15 1:48 am - Cibolo, TX

Hello Carla and Connie and my sweet sistas!

Carla, I am so concerned about you.  I hope they can figure out what is going on with you!  You are always such a fireball of energy.  Something is wrong.  And that hospital needs a kick in the pants.  Wish some of us could come and sit with you.  I saw your crossstitch.  I'm glad you have that to keep you occupied.

Connie, we are not getting the results of the PET scan today.  Grrr.  In fact, we came home yesterday afternoon.  Earliest appointment we could get with Dr. Kurie is NEXT Thursday!!!  Don't these people understand that my husband has this THING growing inside of him??? We need to get started on treatment NOW.  Oh, it's so frustrating for me.  I just want to kick and scream and throw a fit.  Like that would do any good, huh?  

Anyway, we drove home yesterday afternoon and now we have a whole week at home for Butch to rest and eat well and recover his strength.  SO that's a good thing, right?  I want him to be as strong as possible before he starts chemo again.

Okay, my sistas, I need to vent and vent BIG TIME.  Christie, my ever lovin' problem child, has not been making her car payments and her car was repossessed last night!!!  O.M.G.  Sometimes I just hate that child.  She texted me early this morning asking for money.  What can I do?  If I don't give her the money, she'll lose her job and things will just get worse.  If I give her the money, I'm just perpetuating the cycle.  I could just scream.

Well, y'all know that I gave her the money.  But why the HELL wouldn't she say something BEFORE her car gets repossessed.  Now, in addition to the 3 months of car payments, there's all these fines and fees to pay as well.  I swear, I do NOT understand how her mind works at all!!!  She can NOT be my child.  I would have starved before I didn't make my car payment.  And for 3 months???  Unbelievable.

So it's rainy and cold and grey here today.  I am not going out.  I am having a pajama day.  A crochet day.  A hair treatment day.  Oh, I didn't tell y'all about that!

So I tried using extra virgin, cold pressed coconut oil on my hair and it worked wonders!  I only used it once, a few days ago, and I could immediately tell a difference.  I washed my hair in ho****er, then applied a little coconut oil to it (it's a solid, but melts quickly) and used a comb to distribute it throughout my hair.  I did lightly rinse it out before I got out of the shower, but you could just leave it in if you wanted.  My hair looked wet all day, but it didn't feel greasy.  I thoroughly washed it the next day, and my hair was softer and silkier than it has been in years.  I'm going to try doing it at least twice a week, on days when I know I don't have to go anywhere and see what difference it makes.  My hair is like dry straw most of the time now.

Well, I need to make a post on FB and Care Pages, so I'll close for now.  Carla, praying that you get better soon!  Love you all!















Connie D.
on 1/22/15 2:41 am

Good morning my sweet Vickie......

I am just as mad at Christie!! This is just my opinion, but I think you should have her take a drug test. There is something wrong. Then you need to let her know you will keep a balance of what she owes. Every time she does something, like painting, you will take that amount off the bill. It is called TOUGH LOVE. This includes her birthday and any other money you would spend for her. You should not just hand this over to her. She knows how to play you. She knows you would do anything for those boys. That is itself is just WRONG!! Secondly, how dare she do this now when her father is so ill. You barely have time and energy yourself without taking care of her too. I would get to the bottom of this....where is that money going???? I don't mean to upset you. You know I never would. I just am really concerned as to where this is headed. I love you to the moon and back...you know that.   

Why aren't they getting Butch's results back? Maybe they are conferring with other doctors. I know the urgency to get that chemo going. I guess they just want to be sure everything is being done right. I do remember them always saying to Jamie. We could get the results in 24 hours or it could take a week. Maybe this is best right now for Butch. He can to get rested, recover, and eat well so he can get some strength back. Not only that....you need to re energize as well!!! Please stay in PJs today....what a great idea!!!

That hair treatment sounds like it really worked for you. I am glad you like it so well. I will keep it in mind if I ever need it. I am going to mention it to my Carrie. She always does so much with her hair, and is always looking for good things to try....thanks!!!

I am keeping those prayers coming. I think of you and Butch so many times a day. I want only what is best for both of you. I keep you right here in my heart...you are never far away!! 

Huge Hugs...Bunches of Love ...for you each day....connie d

on 1/22/15 3:16 am - Cibolo, TX

Oh, Connie, of COURSE there is something wrong with Christie!  It's called bi-polar disorder.  It's been like this with her ever since she turned 14.  Sometimes it manifests itself in anger, sometimes depression, sometimes suicide attempts, and sometime fiscal irresponsibility.  Of all the poor choices available, I would rather deal with the fiscal irresponsibility.  Not that I like it.  Not one little bit.  But better to bail her out financially than to get that damn phone call in the middle of the night that she's attempted suicide again.  (Been there FOUR times.)  It's a never-ending nightmare.  And she'll be a burden to me for the rest of my life.  Not that I don't love her.  Not that she doesn't have her good points.  Not that she's not a good mother to the boys.  But she has some wiring loose somewhere and is always going to have these crises to work through.  She just cannot seem to exist without the drama.  Like I said, if it wasn't for the boys, I could and would cut her loose.  But I can't do that.  The boys would be the ones to pay the price.  I can't let that happen to them.  

I know it's hard to understand.  Until you've dealt with a family member with mental illness it's impossible to comprehend.  The things that would work with a normal child, like Tough Love, just really seem to exacerbate the situation with a bi-polar child.  I can't explain it.  I can only say I've tried it all and nothing works.  This is my cross to bear for the rest of my life.  I have to do what I have to do to protect Benny and Budder and give them a safe and secure childhood.  That's just the way it is.  

I love you for trying so hard to help.  I really do.  You're a good friend.



Connie D.
on 1/22/15 3:41 am

Hi Vickie.....my granddaughter Kyleigh has the same thing with depression as well. I have been through so much with her. I will never give up on her either. She tries hard and is working on making a good life for herself. I am by far her biggest cheerleader!! I had forgotten about Christie having it to. I apologize for the things I said. Please forgive me.

Love and many hugs.....connie d

on 1/22/15 3:51 am - Cibolo, TX

No apologies needed!!!  Don't be silly.  The things we say here are said out of love.  I know that!


Connie D.
on 1/22/15 7:48 am

Vickie....I love you.....I always have you in my heart!!

Love you much....lots of hugs.....connie d

Eileen Briesch
on 1/22/15 7:10 am - Evansville, IN


Some of Christie's problems sound like me, although I am not bipolar. I think sometimes I have some of the same issues, though. My psychologist in Michigan said I liked to live with the drama. I wonder if she was right. I have settled down now and am living within my budget, but it was hard. I came close twice times to having my current car repossessed. Richard bailed me out once; the other time I pawned my iPad and had just sold my sofa so I had enough extra money to make a payment so they wouldn't repossess. I've also had my power shut off on me; fortunately, it was in the spring, so it wasn't cold and I had it turned back on the next day. I have asked my mom for money in the past but I haven't asked her for any money since I moved to Indiana ... she doesn't hear well anyway so it's hard to ask her for anything. But she, too, has given up on getting it back. I told her not to include me in the inheritance because I got enough from her. I mean it, too. 

So maybe it will take awhile for Christie to get it. I'm nearly 60 and sometimes I don't get it. I look at my paycheck and think I have extra money to pay with, then spend it before remembering I have to pay insurance, or the water bill or something. Or buy food. You think I would learn, but obviously I don't. 

My mom still gives me the money, but now she can't. She doesn't have any more, so I don't ask. I have to do it on my own now. Some day Christie will have to do it on her own, too.

Eileen Briesch

lap rny 6-29-04

[email protected]




on 1/22/15 12:49 pm


May I be so bold as to suggest you pay for Christie to go thru Dave Ramsey's Financial Peace University.  It is a program presented at any number of places, usually churches. It is around $100 and she would need someone to watch the kids once a week. Make your giving any additional financial suport contingent on her attending and participating. You can look the program up online. The course really helped me. ~~~~just a thought 

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